9 research outputs found

    Towards Improving Robustness Against Common Corruptions in Object Detectors Using Adversarial Contrastive Learning

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    Neural networks have revolutionized various domains, exhibiting remarkable accuracy in tasks like natural language processing and computer vision. However, their vulnerability to slight alterations in input samples poses challenges, particularly in safety-critical applications like autonomous driving. Current approaches, such as introducing distortions during training, fall short in addressing unforeseen corruptions. This paper proposes an innovative adversarial contrastive learning framework to enhance neural network robustness simultaneously against adversarial attacks and common corruptions. By generating instance-wise adversarial examples and optimizing contrastive loss, our method fosters representations that resist adversarial perturbations and remain robust in real-world scenarios. Subsequent contrastive learning then strengthens the similarity between clean samples and their adversarial counterparts, fostering representations resistant to both adversarial attacks and common distortions. By focusing on improving performance under adversarial and real-world conditions, our approach aims to bolster the robustness of neural networks in safety-critical applications, such as autonomous vehicles navigating unpredictable weather conditions. We anticipate that this framework will contribute to advancing the reliability of neural networks in challenging environments, facilitating their widespread adoption in mission-critical scenarios

    Transferability of features for neural networks links to adversarial attacks and defences.

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    The reason for the existence of adversarial samples is still barely understood. Here, we explore the transferability of learned features to Out-of-Distribution (OoD) classes. We do this by assessing neural networks' capability to encode the existing features, revealing an intriguing connection with adversarial attacks and defences. The principal idea is that, "if an algorithm learns rich features, such features should represent Out-of-Distribution classes as a combination of previously learned In-Distribution (ID) classes". This is because OoD classes usually share several regular features with ID classes, given that the features learned are general enough. We further introduce two metrics to assess the transferred features representing OoD classes. One is based on inter-cluster validation techniques, while the other captures the influence of a class over learned features. Experiments suggest that several adversarial defences decrease the attack accuracy of some attacks and improve the transferability-of-features as measured by our metrics. Experiments also reveal a relationship between the proposed metrics and adversarial attacks (a high Pearson correlation coefficient and low p-value). Further, statistical tests suggest that several adversarial defences, in general, significantly improve transferability. Our tests suggests that models having a higher transferability-of-features have generally higher robustness against adversarial attacks. Thus, the experiments suggest that the objectives of adversarial machine learning might be much closer to domain transfer learning, as previously thought